I hope
Post-Gazette Plus succeeds. I want journalism to prosper and would enjoy expanded local news.
I will join despite
a disappointing preview, which seems heavy on sports but light on local news and analysis (u

nless a Jack Kelly rant about how he suspects a primary election candidate for tax collector in some Mon Valley hamlet is soft on missile defense and torture is the perfect complement to your bagel and decaffeinated Constant Comment).
Is there no interesting, persuasive conservative voice available to the P-

G? (Advice to Reg: Take it easy on Kelly until you get a written, notarized legal opinion on your susceptibility to a manslaughter rap -- with specific reference to the 'beating an unarmed man senseless, especially when the unarmed man
is senseless' doctrine -- and an unqualified indemnification backed by the certified personal guarantees of all living Blocks.)
Let's hope PG+ offers worthwhile (non-Steelers) local content. Surely there is an audience for
plenty of
local news that
never reaches the pages of the nonplussed P-G.
"Let's hope PG+ offers worthwhile (non-Steelers) local content. Surely there is an audience for plenty of local news that never reaches the pages of the nonplussed P-G"
That also isn't censored by Local politicians.
For $36 a year, I'd rather just treat Reg to lunch at a nice restaurant downtown, and not have to have anything to do with that other guy who regurgitates GOP publicist talking points in lieu of actually thinking for himself (and whose name cannot be spoken in polite company, although it rhymes with "hack belly").
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