Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today's G20=Apocalyse Sign, With Revelation

The first sign: After the city's repressive misconduct and Judge Lancaster's weakness indicated that the First Amendment would be suspended in Pittsburgh during the G20 summit, Jeff Reed botched two field goal attempts and Chicago's Bears kicked a last-minute field goal to claim come-from-behind victory against the Steelers.

The second sign: After Pitt responded to abuse of its students with silence from Chancellor Nordenberg (although, to be fair, he might have been busy) and a 'no reason to question the police' statement from jackass mouthpiece Robert Hill, Pitt became defenseless in the second half of a come-from-ahead loss to North Carolina State.

The confirmatory revelation: After Pittsburgh police trampled students and the Constitution in Oakland, and Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl praised the police bureau for a job well done, the underdog Cincy Bungles converted two late fourth downs during the determinative drive in a come-from-behind victory against the Steelers.

Someone with a divine sense of justice, one could surmise, knows how to hit yinzers where it hurts.

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