Monday, October 11, 2010

Ravenstahl Administration Does The Right Thing On Pension Subpoena, South Side Lawlessness

The Ravenstahl administration has announced a mature, productive response to city council's subpoena concerning provision of fresh(er) pension data to state officials: The relevant information is to be provided, without acknowledgment of the subpoena's validity (or establishment of precedent in that regard). A good result from several perspectives.

City officials also deserve credit for a fine first step toward enforcing laws, regulations and civilized norms along South Side's Carson Street corridor throughout the weekend. According to the Post-Gazette, police encountered spontaneous applause from residents of the alcohol-saturated (and, on Fridays and Saturdays, urine-stained) neighborhood as they issued parking citations, arrested public urinators and investigated the weekly shooting.


James said...

Wow. You'd think it was an election year.

Anonymous said...

Interesting...the things that happen when Zober's out of the country.