Six councilors order enough starch for their shirts to generate a subpoena, then show enough game to deliver the subpoena as the mayor travels to China?
Daniel Lavelle steps up for a major-league at-bat, while Patrick Dowd can't find a pen?
The lawyers who ostensibly provide legal advice to council are said to be constructing the arguments against council's authority to enforce ths subpoena?
The scary monster from Harrisburg revealed as a Tough Love teddy bear?
The Great InsolvenCity Parking Garage Sale is beginning to follow the trajectory of the Fifth-Forbes Project (which may take a moment to recall, because it never got past a half-baked drawing board).
Infinonytune: New Kid In Town, The Eagles
Infinonytune: The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald, Gordon Lightfoot
1 day ago
perhaps if they had bothered to ask Dowd to sign it, not only would he have gladly done so he would have even been gracious enough to politely point out, the historian that he is, that subpoena is latin for "under penalty" and not spelled supboena.
Just hazarding a guess here.
Every attempt to predict or assess council action (or inaction) seems a guess, particularly when the Dowd-Peduto feud is involved.
Fifth-Forbes Project (which may take a moment to recall, because it never got past a half-baked drawing board).
There's lots of nice stuff between Fifth and Forbes. Unless you don't count Oakland and Squirrel Hill.
What's the Dowd-Peduto Feud about?
Does this describe, at least, one of them?
What's the Dowd-Peduto Feud about?
And Nothing.
Kind of like a chicken nugget.
Exactly like a chicken nugget.
Except in how likely you are to see them at McD's.
Nobody over the age of nine admits to going to McDonald's anymore, but the national waistline and Mickey's balance sheet indicate plenty of customers.
A buck for a McDouble or three bucks for two sausage muffins. I got twice a week. Just don't eat the nuggets or the salad. Both are unnatural.
Come on, don't be coy. What is the Patrick-Bill feud about? I follow closely but I must have missed it...Dish!!! I live in North Oakland and have a right to know. Besides the fact that Dowd has jumped the shark!
Man ... you're thinking it's about some THING. "He did that!" "He went behind me and did that!" It's not like that at all. They're just two different personalities that feel entitled to the same (mutually exclusive) political space.
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