Thursday, August 13, 2009

Time To Reassess (The County's Legal Position)?

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has issued good news for Allegheny County property owners disfavored by the county's discredited and unconstitutional system of assessments. The Court denied the Onorato administration's request to ignore the Court's substantive ruling of unconstitutionality maintain the unfair schedule of assessments long enough to enable Onorato to run for governor the legislature to consider the issue.

The Propositions Board has been adjusted to reflect this development. Congratulations to those who bet on the Supreme Court to vindicate the state constitution rather than to provide political cover for a gubernatorial candidate at the immoral expense of mistreated property owners.

This development tosses the ball back to county judge R. Stanton Wettick, who, I believe, told the county administration more than a year ago to expect -- and, more important, prepare for -- this ruling and a consequent order requiring a prompt reassessment. The county solicitor should be summoned to Judge Wettick's chambers any day now to report on the state of those preparations.

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