Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Calling Out Tom Corbett, Political Prosecutor

Jim Gerlach, candidate for the Republican nomination for governor (right), makes a good point about his opponent, Tom Corbett: Making a political splash about investigating certain legislative corruption is incompatible with simultaneously courting support and cash from certain legislators. Some would call this conduct unseemly, others unwise, still others unethical. I choose all three.

The legislator whose inquiry triggered Corbett's political plundering investigation has chosen "humorous," calling Corbett's work "a joke" in which "he grabbed a whole bunch of Democrats a first-year law student could have prosecuted." That's John Eichelberger -- Republican Senator John Eichelberger of Altoona -- talking.

Responding to criticism from those coarse enough to note that no Republican has been among those indicted, Mr. Corbett said he is not worrying about the issue of partisanship." That is obvious, because the only thing Corbett is worried about is personal ambition. Not justice, not ethics, not his oath -- just votes and money.

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