The Pirates lost to Milwaukee today, 20-0. Worst loss in the nearly century-and-one-half history of a once-proud franchise that has become the worst team in the history of major professional sports in America. Worst of the worst.
To understand the Nutting family's plan for the Pirates, check the Ogden Newspapers portfolio, which consists entirely of poor-quality but highly profitable operations in second-, third- or fourth-tier locations. Some Ogden publications do not even qualify as newspapers (the "weekly shoppers" and "green tabs").
Want to see the Pirates' future? Subscribe to the Fort Myers Beach Shopping Guide, the Fort Dodge Farm-News, or the New Ulm Shopper Post-Review. That's as close as anything the Nuttings operate gets to the major leagues.
This is Good-Bye - For Now
1 month ago
I feel sorry for fans of the Pirates.
Nutting, clearly a businessman first, has taken advantage of their loyalty and diversified his investments. At this point, he is counting on bucco fans and seven springs visitors to fund what will certainly be a comfortable retirement.
I have that baseball card.
I expected you to be too busy admiring the XX-rated chromosomal array of recent additions to The List, Ms. Mon, to have noticed Roberto.
The Nutting's are extremely successful business men. I suppose you could do better?
Better than McClatchy and the Nuttings?
You mean after a trip through the cortex-grinder?
Let's put the discussion in context. Is a good business man someone who values their employees and leaves a legacy of integrity or views every move and decision through the eyeglass of profit. If profit is your only measure, I assure you there are business men that have a much broader scope.
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