Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Cheer For George W. Bush

A recent exchange of comments included my point that no person is all bad, a point that is easy to forget.

This Time magazine article, which recounts the tension between George W. Bush and Dick Cheney concerning the treatment of Scooter Libby as their administration ended, reflects well on Mr. Bush. Not because the former president declined to issue the complete pardon for which Mr. Cheney pestered him, but because of his depicted disdain for "fixer" pardons, respect for jury verdicts and focus on the issues of whether Mr. Libby had lied and whether Mr. Libby had exhibited remorse.

I am confident that I could identify a redeeming quality of Mr. Cheney if I devoted sufficient time to the task. I probably would need some help with respect to Liz Cheney, though.

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