InsolvenCity Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, demonstrating a new and uncharacteristic concern regarding the character of people participating in Insolvencity's public affairs, has called for Franco Harris to resign from the board of the Pittsburgh Promise scholarship operation. The mayor (far right, with advisor on problem nightclub issues) employed strident terms -- taking the friend-of-the-enemy-of-my-enemy's friend approach customarily restricted to anti-abortion zealots -- in assailing the former Steeler running back's character and judgment for expressing support of Joe Paterno, Harris' (and Penn State's) former college football coach.
Some have ascribed Ravenstahl's unusually energetic response to Harris' pro-Joe statements to family history (Harris' son Dok haplessly challenged Ravenstahl in a mayoral election).
Others might claim Ravenstahl's move against Harris is based on the mayor's heartfelt outrage concerning systematic child sexual abuse, a point we might consider plausible if someone produces evidence that Ravenstahl denounced the Catholic Church for concealing and facilitating sexual abuse of children at a level that makes Penn State (at least so far) look like a bunch of altar boys. (Make that an exceptionally large group of altar boys.) Did Ravensthal murmur even a word of disapproval concerning the shameful misappropriation of public funds for Catholic Church use in North Park?
We also suppose it is possible that Ravenstahl is dumb enough to conclude that Harris' statements betray a lack of concern for the victims of Penn State's depravity.
Each of those explanations, however, seems less likely than our hunch: Ravenstahl doesn't like Harris simply because Franco is a Democrat.
Infytune: Be True To Your School, The Beach Boys
Trump Pardons
13 hours ago
They say you can tell a lot about a person by his enemies.
Mayor McCheese has been thinking on his own again. It might be time for another trip to an abandoned warehouse.
I was surprised, to learn and read of the Mayor going out this far. Was he outspoken about the original Paterno revelations? Or was he keeping quiet out of respect and deference as an alumnus of elsewhere? Anyway, stripping Franco Harris of all street-cred instantly seemed a bit of an overreaction.
*Penn State revelations. Unfair to call them only "Paterno" in the extreme.
The idea that Luke is suddenly the city's moral compass is more absurd than anything that has ever been written on this or any other blog.
How galling. A full-fledged, accomplished adult being called out by a twerpy young pol who is shockingly cynical for his age. I'd say it was Ravenstahl's tin-eared stab at appealing to family and social issue voters in the May 2013 mayoral primary. Expect him to repeatedly flag his anti-Penn State stance in the months to come. As the mother-in-the-crowd in the Simpson's says, "Think of the children!"
I've never much bought into the idea of celebrities as role models but I'd have young people emulate Franco any day over Luke.
Burgess or Ravenstahl. Who's more self-delusional?
Because Franco was such a good role model when he was 27 years old:,2182094&dq=franco+harris&hl=en
Street cred??
One of Lukey's bestest buddies is Rev.Ricky. Like my mother said "lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. Where's Lukey's moral high ground on the Rev's sex for A's. After all, isn't all it takes is an accusation for the Mayor to become the arbitor of all that is good. Unless, he's your political croney of course. You pay to play with Lukey and the Rev. That's POLITICS BABY!
two words: David Malone
new chair of the Promise? One of prime Luke's fundraisers and list maker? I looked at the Promise web site and see distinguished members of the board. Then the rotten apple in this barrel. Malone?
Anon 4:36, there is no evidence to suggest Rev. Burgess offered sex for grades, any more than fliers posting "Anon 4:36 sleeps with goats". Regardless of how you may feel he is as a city councilman, he is a very good professor.
James, You sure do drink the kool-ade, All those flowery things you said about Rev. Ricky shows that you sir, are delusional. The man is a major hater, schemer, back stabber and of course Lukey's best friend! That said, I'll keep it brief. How does he find the time to teach all those classes for the 13th grade with 2 other jobs and still have time to mess around with the co-ed's.
Leave my pet goat out of this!
Ironic that the Mayor washed his hands of the beat down of Jordan Miles -- could that have been "child abuse" by the Pgh P.D. ?
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