Monday, December 28, 2009

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Luke, You Are My Father (With Respect To Learning To Handle Protesters)

Agent Ska points to a G20 angle you probably won't find in a press release from the region's ossified, ineffectual power structure Allegheny Conference: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, confronted with allegations of brutal treatment of protestors in Iran, and “awful scenes of violence on the streets,” simply pointed toward Pittsburgh and shrugged, aptly observing
"[T]he American police beat people in Pittsburgh, they arrest people and use batons and tear gas against people."
This was, of course, predictable predicted.

INTERNATIONAL EDITION: Infinonymous' international visitors during G20 coverage included a number from Iran. More than one visit from an Iranian ISP occurred during the most recent week. Might Infinonycoverage have prompted the Ahmadinejad anology? If so -- Luke (and all the gang from Miami, Chicago, and Philadelphia), you are most welcome.

UPDATE: It was only a matter of time before those Infinonyvision clips were back in style. Note to Iranians: It can't be a copyright violation if you do not recognize American law.

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