Graham's slinking departure was not -- or at least should not have been -- unexpected among the men (Steve Pederson, Mark Nordenberg, Jerry Cochran) ultimately responsible for mismanaging Pitt's football program and leaving the Big East in much the manner Graham ditched them. Todd Graham's disenchantment had been

One example: Graham (or, more accurate, Graham's wife, Penni) wanted to indulge one of Graham's children by enabling the child to dance in a Panther costume along the Heinz Field sideline during home games. The idea met resistance among several elements of Pitt's athletics department, for several reasons. Penni Graham persisted, until the mini-mascot issue reached the athletics director, Steve Pederson, who ruled the child off the field.
During Pitt's final home game, however, Graham's child -- wearing a tiny panther costume apparently purchased independently by the Grahams, and a Pitt jersey labeled "GRAHAM" -- nevertheless appeared along the Pitt sideline, dancing near the student section. One person familiar with the associated events pointed at the dancing child and said, "See that kid in the costume? That kid on the field today means Graham knows either he is gone or Pederson is gone. Not sure which, but it's one or the other."
Pitt fans should hope that this observer was wrong, and that Pitt will soon be rid of Pederson, too.
UPDATE: It is becoming common currency among substantial Pitt boosters that Graham was pursuing several prospective employers for weeks if not months. Many influential Pitt supporters -- and a number of trustees -- are focusing on dumping Pederson, and some are expressing an inclination to reconsider Nordenberg's fitness if the chancellor attempts to protect the athletics director.
Infytune: Stray Cat Strut, The Stray Cats
Infytune: Midnight Special, Creedence Clearwater Revival
Infytune: Flim Flam Man, Laura Nyro
Seriously? You wanna drag Coach Graham's wife into this because Pitt could'nt keep him? His kid, too? Really? Look maybe Coach should have talked with the players before he left but what was done was done. Leave the family out of it or you are just proving Coach Graham was right to leave such a low class bunch.
Penni Graham is a witch. She was disliked throughout the Pitt community long before her husband's failures started to grate. Like her husband, she was a hypocrite who wore see-through Christianity on her sleeve.
We feel sorry for the kid in the dopey costume, though. It's always unfortunate that a child must overcome two jackass parents. Toss in the insincere religious indoctrination and that child will have a hard climb toward becoming a decent person.
Any other part of the Graham situation you want to discuss on the coach's behalf?. Most of it is going to come out anyway, so we might as well air it out here.
This is not bandwagonning, by the way. We figured Graham for a phony and a failure even before he was hired. Just use the blog's search function for "Graham." The guy's one strength is snowing desperate, over-their-heads suits like Pederson and Nordenberg (and now their counterpart twits at ASU) during interviews.
The best part of ASU's announcement was when they said they hired him because they were looking for a coach who would be there for the "long term".
Pederson's press conference should have ended with, "We thank Coach Graham for his many weeks of service, and regret he won't be on hand to lead our forthcoming loss in the annual The Name For Rent Bowl"
Infy, today you are my hero. You are absolutely right to call out a self-important, extremist Evangelical supposed Christian like Penni (Penni?!) Graham. If she really wanted to be left out of her husband's controversies she wouldn't be all over the internet exposing her personal life. What a poor fit for Pittsburgh all around. Send the whole clan back to the boonies where they don't have to deal with icky modern ideas and different kinds of people just EVERYWHERE! Penni seemed to really enjoy her time in Tulsa; the gunslinging anti-abortion, anti-immigrant right wingers in Tempe should make her feel right at home.
You got your story wrong clown. Coach Graham's youngest son was a mascot on the Pitt sideline long before the final game. Yes Penni got him the mascot suit and the fans loved him. I would love to hear your supposed reasons why there is something wrong with this. Next time check your facts. And no problem on the hating on Christianity, Christians know it is coming from people like you and learned to deal with it long time ago.
Before the Syracuse game, the Mini-Roc was a foolish risk (one of the objections involved a reasonable concern for the child's safety; another involved insurance) and a silly spectacle. After the athletics director ruled the child off the field, the Grahams' conduct during the Syracuse game became overt insubordination. That insubordination reportedly was sharpened by a comment from one of the Grahams in response to being informed that the University had determined the pint-sized panther wannabe had no place on the sideline.
That distinction is important. It suggests Todd and Penni Graham knew on or before Dec. 3 that the Syracuse game would conclude their Pitt careers.
Nothing we could say could damage Christianity half as much as does the actions and character of people like Todd and Penni Graham. Those two taught many young people at Pitt an important lesson concerning organized and loud religion.
As much as I'd like to take the high road and say "I wouldn't wish this turmoil on any school", I remember this is sPitt and I'm from WVU. 'Nuf said.
Now now, people in glass universities shouldn't throw the daughters of the governor and employees of the largest donor...
CM, Now you can go back and burn
a couch or two, stick a pretzel rod
between your two remaining teeth,
and bed your sister. 'Nuf said.
@Anon 4:01.. Har. Har. A funny. At least I'm not living in the 70s (Steelers and sPitt days) or before (steel mills.. they're not coming back, btw). Gotta love the fact sPitt draws 20,000 'fans' to a game even when tickets can held for that lofty price of $0.99. Go ahead, delude yourself about sPitt football.. if that makes you feel better.
I consider this a breakthrough--CM recognizes Graham's poor behavior, but admits he'll reject his own judgment and conscience in the service of a childish grudge. Congrats CM! Now you are six.
Here's one for you CM"
"Teachers union leads effort that aims to turn around West Virginia school system"
Haven't read the article yet, but if the headline is accurate, at least WV teachers and their union(s) are much better than the selfish over-paid twits in PA. I'm leery though because I question whether or not the union(s) themselves will allow progress.
As for the grudge.. h*ll yes! I hate sPitt.. always have and always will. In fact, I don't even like Pittsburgh. sPitt fans still think they have a great program, but have won nothing for (what?) 30 years.
This is all very interesting. The people of Pitt must be smarter then the average fan. It usually takes at least a yr or 2 before fans start to get Coach Graham figured out. He places people around him much like himself and to help insulate his image. It would figure his wife's faith is much the same as his or you would not be able to live with him. Patterson stated in his press conference that he found out exactly how the players did and not before. I find it hard to believe Coach Graham would keep this from his "best friend" who has been riding his coat tails for years and years. Incidently Coach Patterson's faith is the same kind as Coach Grahams. This was demonstrated as he and his mistress would sit on the front row of the church waiting for his divorce to become final. Two families torn apart, the approving best friend/best man sitting by their sides. No mention of "Dude why are you doing this to your family?" Those are the kinds of best friends these two coaches need by their sides, otherwise they wouldnt be able to stand each other. I thnk you will find Coach Patterson who said he was interested in the head job at Pitt is cut from the same mold as Coach Graham. Both can carry on and get people excited and both will lie straight to your face to get where they want to go. Good Luck Pitt fans, you better hope they search for a new coach from outside the program. And then what you will see is Coach Patterson jumping on a plane to AZ . . probably as a Co-Defensive Coordinater . . trust me, I've seen it before. When you have "Yes" men around you, they will say whatever you want and they will avoid saying anything bad about you in a press conference. Check out Coach Patterson's press conf about being interim coach. He looks straight at people and the camera except when he is speaking what seems to be untrue then his eyes are all over the place. Mrs Patterson is already packing up the house and readying the house for another move, per her facebook post several days ago.
CM, Congratulations I see WVU made the top ten list. They are the 9th worst school in athletes graduation rate in the nation, in major college sports. Their basketball team has a 40% graduation rate, very impressive. BTW try to see to it West Virginia builds an airport so they can fly in and out of their own state instead of you bums trashing up Greater Pitt
wonder why Pitt fans seem so upset about Graham left if he is such a bad coach? he's done good things with ASU's program this year.
Todd Graham has a stupid haricut
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