Despite her association with the Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project, we perceive Erin Molchany's expression of interest in the campaign for state representative from the 27th District as a positive development. The seat is currently occupied by Dan Deasy, known principally for using his water authority position to steer profits to List-Makers at ratepayer expense. (With Deasy's help, reptilian scavenger RDM seems to be preparing to rise again from PWSA's brackish pool shortly.)
Infytune: Dirty Water, The Standells
Trump Pardons
12 hours ago
what do you mean, "despite" PUMP?
a hater?
How dare you disparage young(ish) urban professionals?! They are the future of our region! Go Erin!!!!!!
2005 District 2 City Council Dem Primary result:
Daniel J Deasy 42.5%
Paul F Renne 20.6%
Melissa Rossiter 18.9%
Erin C Molchany 10.2% (629 votes)
Paul R Mastandrea 7.8%
The PUMPers have been the future of our region back to the Tom Murphy era.
How has that been working out?
Other than for their resumes, we mean.
I forget - was it more Thai restaurants that PUMP was pushing for? Or more climbing walls? I keep getting them confused with PYP...
Most of the "PUMP" member that I have met, who are supposed to be young, urban professionals, have been neither young, nor city dwellers nor professionals.
It is refreshing to see a "Pump" member who not only lives in Allegheny County but who actually lives in the City of Pittsburgh.
I'm still waiting for a Thai restaurant with a climbing wall.
It always seemed to me that every woman at PUMP was named Erin, so I can't even remember which one this is for sure.
When the Propel Pittsburgh Commission came along, it robbed PUMP of a lot of its dynamism and influence.
We hope that was sarcasm.
The Allegheny County DEMS won't support a woman for the state house. And why, when you have "Dynamic" Dan Deasy (who is busy screwing up the Pittsburgh water & Sewer Authority as its Chairman of the Board) and doing what he is told by Luke, and working on the PWSA privatization for R-House Leader Turzi?
The Allegheny County Dems won't support a woman for St Rep. And why should they when they have "Dynamic" Dan Deasy! He needs to be there for "Lascivious" Luke while they screw up the Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority and help "Goofball" Mike Turzai's plan to privatize it .
Oh the humanity!
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